Tuesday, 9 September 2008

More About Maldita

I am a Type AB whose personality is hard to categorize.
I am left-handed but I'm always on my right mind.
I am animated and a good conversationalist.
I am a procrastinator but does things my own way in my own time.
I am 5 feet tall with my shoes on but my limbs, torso, head, and forehead are all symmetrical.

I love to collect fashion magazines and trinkets even at their cheapest.
I love to sing but not in public.
I love to watch snake documentaries but hate to see them in all their slimy glory.
I love prawns but I'm allergic to them.
I love to give gifts but most loved it when I receive them as a surprise.
I love to sleep all the time.
I love winter and snow.
I love pink stuffs but black is the most dominant hue in my wardrobe.
I love to be stroked coz stroking will bring me to my dreamland.
I loved to love and be loved in return.

I hate cats.
I hate raisins and prunes.
I hate autumn when it's wet and windy.
I hate mornings coz I can't function during the day.
I hate bad spellers, unless you're dyslexic then you're forgiven.
I hate those so-called "noveau riche", they're utterly classless.

I'm fond of kids and their laughters.
I'm fond of fruits dipped in salt.
I'm fond of saying "i love you" to everything that is a good buy.
I'm fond of my baby.
I'm fond of my family and my closest relatives.
I'm fond of my teddy bears. They're the inanimate object of my embrace.
I'm fond of books.
I'm fond of anything cheap and cheerful.
I'm also a fan of anything expensive and nice.

I'm not a fan of most fish and leafy vegetables.
I've never used soap for seven years but I miss the refreshing feeling it gives to my skin.
Coz now I'm a sucker for shower gels and can't live without them.
I'm a fan of my lucky socks.
My brain works better in stimulating conversation.
I think better when I'm sick.

I am not a touchy-feely person unless I know you well.
I don't have many friends but the ones that I have now, are the best ones.
My best friends are my husband and my three bears.
If your name is on my phonebook, consider yourself lucky.
My baby is my partner in life.

I used to have long, brown, wavy hair when I was a child.
I used to be a good student.
I used to love my job until mundane replaces excitement.
I used to have clear skin until I stopped taking pills.
I used to be so shy.
I used to be independent.
I used to sing with the music imperfectly with my own lyrics.
I used to have nightmares.
I used to go to church.

I was stood up.
I was once a happy child.
Now I'm still a happy, fulfilled adult.

I wish to have an L-shaped converted farmhouse in the country with a sprawling garden to boot.

I wish to stop alcoholism and drug addiction.
I wish I can be carefree forever.

I believe in prayer and karma.
I believe that love is not enough even if it's too much.
I now believe in the importance of personal space.
I believe that the heart has its own way of speaking.
I believe in the sounds of silence.

I value life and it's ups and downs.
I value time.
I value the quality time I spent with my loved-ones.
I have learned a great deal about life's daily lessons.
I rose from the hardship.
I have made mistakes.
I was betrayed but still cling on to the power of trust.
I have laughed and cried a million times.

I am a prodigal daughter, a good samaritan, a drifter, a traveller.

I'm every inch a homo sapien, thank God!


UtakMunggo said...

thank God. amen. :D

gusto ko rin ng shower gels kaya lang allergic pala ako ngayon ko lang nalaman... dami kong pantal til now and i've stopped using them for about 2 weeks now! so back to soaping na ulet ang munggoloid. haha

chezza said...

missy try mo royal jelly skin softnening body wash ng boots, perfect sa skin!I've used it for seven years and my skin is the softest ever...my husband can attest to that and now he's started using it :)


so you hate what we have now then?

rainy and wet days.

aww... you love giving gifts?

you want my postcode chezz? (lol)

i think you wrote something that you love it more if someone gives something back(?), I'll just pretend I missed it. haha

chezza said...

Yah! I'm hating it bigtime! Yes, give and take is the key but it's much nicer if someone gives you something without asking anything in return ;)