Tuesday 24 June 2008

Season of the Empty Nest

In a few months time, I will be in my new abode just round the corner, literally. I've realized that it isn't the comfort of work that I need at this stage of my professional life instead, I need growth and opportunity. I have no regrets in my current working environment though but I felt that I have already achieved what I needed to, career-wise. There is no more challenge for me. I am already in a comfortable place. Sure, I can do whatever I want, I have made my requests and they've all been granted, been dubbed as a "super nurse" (ahem), loved and respected. Basically, I can move freely in all directions except forward. I need more!
For a couple of years I was working in Neuro-ICU in Singapore and I felt at home. It was crazy and fulfilling at the same time. Now, I will be working in the same ICU but in a different setting this time. New beginning, new adventure.
My new home is just a few steps away from my current one but I am so excited I could fly!

So this August, I am officially leaving my nest and be spreading my wings to soar and explore!
Wish me luck!
"Innocence" A painting by my husband :)

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